
I am currently working on the analysis of networks of spiritual kin in 17th and 18th century communities in Portugal. Spiritual kin is a bond that is mainly contracted between godfathers, godmothers and a child's parents through baptism. The main point of my research is that the choice of godfathers and godmothers expresses the perception of the relative social position of the people involved. One always chooses as godfather or godmother of a child people considered of equal or superior social rank. This simple fact allows us to reconstruct an image of social structure put together from the combined perception of thousands of people. The result provides a wealth of information on social structure and acutally allows the production of tri-dimensional representations.
A partial reconstruction of the spiritual kin network. Principal components are colored.

Sample files, still need validation of certain nodes and identifications (you need a vrml client like Cortona):
- Soure (partial)
- Eiras (by Ana Isabel Ribeiro)