Dataset Contents Changelog

Table Children Parents Columns Rows Description
CLASSES 65 0 This table stores data relating to classes, including software metrics, vulnerability indicators and other data.
CLASSES_1_dom 65 112,305 Idem.
CLASSES_1_javascript 65 38,281 Idem.
CLASSES_1_javascript_extras 65 91,620 Idem.
CLASSES_1_javascript_xpconnect 65 13,728 Idem.
CLASSES_1_layout_rendering 65 294,085 Idem.
CLASSES_1_libraries 65 90,822 Idem.
CLASSES_1_mozilla 65 221,081 Idem.
CLASSES_1_network 65 68,332 Idem.
CLASSES_1_toolkit 65 46,774 Idem.
CLASSES_1_webpage_structure 65 182,260 Idem.
CLASSES_1_widget 65 73,346 Idem.
CLASSES_2_arch 65 56,543 Idem.
CLASSES_2_driver_extra 65 339,947 Idem.
CLASSES_2_fs 65 14,059 Idem.
CLASSES_2_kernel 65 2,743 Idem.
CLASSES_2_linux 65 99,386 Idem.
CLASSES_2_net 65 14,154 Idem.
CLASSES_3_arch 65 512 Idem.
CLASSES_3_tools 65 2,575 Idem.
CLASSES_3_xen 65 5,766 Idem.
CLASSES_4_apache 65 1,918 Idem.
CLASSES_5_glibc 65 4,677 Idem.
CODE_HEADER 4 20,781 This table stores data relating to method signatures, and other data.
EXTRA_TIME_CLASS 2 116,762,440 This table stores data relating to references between classes and patches.
EXTRA_TIME_FILES 2 80,566,402 This table stores data relating to references between files and patches.
EXTRA_TIME_FUNCTIONS 2 856,313,696 This table stores data relating to references between functions and patches.
FILES 45 0 This table stores data relating to files, including software metrics, vulnerability indicators and other data.
FILES_1_dom 62 57,407 Idem.
FILES_1_javascript 62 40,182 Idem.
FILES_1_javascript_extras 62 24,158 Idem.
FILES_1_javascript_xpconnect 62 9,244 Idem.
FILES_1_layout_rendering 62 168,054 Idem.
FILES_1_libraries 62 60,557 Idem.
FILES_1_mozilla 62 79,065 Idem.
FILES_1_network 62 44,001 Idem.
FILES_1_toolkit 62 17,086 Idem.
FILES_1_webpage_structure 62 79,862 Idem.
FILES_1_widget 62 24,688 Idem.
FILES_2_arch 62 227,922 Idem.
FILES_2_driver_extra 62 483,235 Idem.
FILES_2_fs 62 65,542 Idem.
FILES_2_kernel 62 16,483 Idem.
FILES_2_linux 62 167,774 Idem.
FILES_2_net 62 66,528 Idem.
FILES_3_arch 62 5,676 Idem.
FILES_3_tools 62 5,294 Idem.
FILES_3_xen 62 9,062 Idem.
FILES_4_apache 62 7,943 Idem.
FILES_5_glibc 62 56,983 Idem.
FUNCTIONS 39 0 This table stores data relating to functions, including software metrics, vulnerability indicators and other data.
FUNCTIONS_1_dom 39 386,529 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_javascript 39 288,923 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_javascript_extras 39 306,898 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_javascript_xpconnect 39 50,235 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_layout_rendering 39 972,148 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_libraries 39 337,161 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_mozilla 39 473,812 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_network 39 242,108 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_toolkit 39 116,121 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_webpage_structure 39 391,189 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_1_widget 39 113,642 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_2_arch 39 588,579 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_2_driver_extra 39 2,378,182 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_2_fs 39 312,695 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_2_kernel 39 103,708 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_2_linux 39 502,524 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_2_net 39 282,511 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_3_arch 39 26,677 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_3_tools 39 27,940 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_3_xen 39 25,556 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_4_apache 39 34,470 Idem.
FUNCTIONS_5_glibc 39 50,980 Idem.
MODULE_INFO 4 40 This table stores data relating to module, including local path to the module folders, and other data.
PATCHES 10 5,393 This table stores data relating to patches, including link to files that fix vulnerability and other data
REPOSITORIES_SAMPLE 6 5 This table stores data relating to repositories, including project, link to repository and other data.
SECURITY_ADVISORIES 4 734 This table stores data relating to security advisories, including title, description, impact and other data.
VULNERABILITIES 7 3,567 This table stores data relating to vulnerabilities, including name, description, damage and other data.
78 Tables     3,842 1,065,177,306  
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