3D-VisualCluster Tool




  Tool Videos:                                                                                                      Main page (Menu)




Video 1: This video displays all views of the tool from the dataset of Example A. It also shows how each view is modified when

the main window of the tool is modified. Go to top





Video 2: As Video 1 but in this case using another dataset (Example B). Go to top





Video 3: It displays the different boundary types of a cluster after choosing a radio on the scatter plot. Go to top





Video 4: It displays the different surface types of a cluster after choosing a radio on the scatter plot. Go to top





Video 5: It displays the different representations of a cluster on the scatter plot, surface, lines and boundary points.

Go to top.





Video 6: It displays the different surfaces of a cluster choosing the type of triangulation. Go to top.




Video 7: It displays all partition-surfaces of a reference partition on the clusters of a dataset (Example C). Go to top.





Video 8: It displays the partition-surface of the reference partition which better matches the selected cluster. Go to top.





Video 9: Matching the partition-surface with the cluster of Video 8, but in this case, different representations

of the cluster are chosen to validate the selected partition-surface. Go to top.



Main page (Menu)