This photo was taken while I was waiting for entering the room where I was going to defend my Ph.D. thesis, at University of Coimbra, Portugal.
It was January, 11th, 2016.
Few hours later I got my Ph.D. in Information Science and Tehchnology.

Although in am Portugal (since 2009), I am not Portuguese.
I am Italian, born in 1982 near Naples, Italy, where I lived until 2007, when I took my Bachelor and Master's Degrees in Informatics Engineering at University of Naples "Federico II". After a short period working in Naples, I decided travel abroad, improve myself and my skills, and I found Portugal on my path.

You may find a resume of my activities in the following, and my complete Curriculum Vitae here.

2009 - 2016

Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology

I received at University of Coimbra (Portugal) magna cum laude in January, 2016 (link).
I worked on the application of Fault Injection technique for enhancing the use of Online Failure Prediction technique, being advised by Prof. Marco Vieira (link), and earlier also by Prof. Henrique Madeira (link), and being fortunate to work with Prof. João Durães (link), my de-facto third advisor.
My thesis, titled "Fault Injection for Failure Prediction Assessment and Improvement", can be found here.

2014 - 2016

Early stage researcher in CECRIS European Project

I was an early stage researcher in a European Marie-Curie Action project, named CECRIS (CErtification of CRitical Systems). I was seconded for some months in the companies Resiltech (Pisa, Italy) and Prolan (Budapest, Hungary), where I developed solutions using Fault Injection techniques for verification and validation of critical transportation systems (automotive and railway).


Software Engineer at SESM/Selex (Finmeccanica)

My first experience in the software engineering field was at SESM S.c.a.r.l., a research center from Selex E.S., a Finmeccanica Company, located near Napoli, Italy.


Master's Degree in Informatics Engineering

received, magna cum laude, at University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, Italy


Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering

received at University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, Italy


During my Ph.D. I worked on Software Fault injection,
Online Failure Prediction, and more generally on Dependability Assurance in software systems.
My publications can be found at Google Scholar (link), or at my CISUC webpage (link).


A document about the data collected during my Ph.D. thesis is avaliable here: FP_Data_report_1.4.pdf