Pedro Bizarro

Oracle Error Messages Glossary (ZIP)

Portuguese Resources
Manual Oracle SQL (PDF)
Fabuloso Resumo Oracle SQL (PDF)
Uteis para as aulas de BD (ZIP)
Palavras AEIOU

Departamento de Engenharia Informatica
Polo II - Pinhal de Marrocos
3030 - 290 Coimbra

Fax: +351 (239) 701 266
bizarro@dei DOT uc DOT pt
Brief career outline
*Visiting Professor at CMU, working in the dual-degree (CMU & UC) Master of Software Engineering.
*Professor Auxiliar at the Informatics Engineering Department (DEI) of the U. of Coimbra, Portugal.
*Member of Database Group research group at CISUC. CISUC is the research side of the Informatics Engineering Department.
*Main research interests are adaptive query processing in databases, complex-event processing, and virtualization.

*PhD from the CS department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison (Aug 2006) working with Prof D. DeWitt [Thesis]
*MSc from the CS department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison (May 2004);
*MSc from the CS department at the New Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal (Sept 2001);
*Licenciatura (5-year degree) from the Informatics Eng. Dept. at the U. of Coimbra, Portugal (Feb 1998);

*Fulbright Scholar (2001-2006) (Portuguese site | US site)

*Founder and CSO at FeedZai

*See my talk at TEDx'Lisbon 2010 to see what moves me.


  • BiCEP:
  • Funded by a EU Marie Curie Reintegration Grant, the BiCEP project goal is to develop benchmarks for Complex Event Processing systems. BiCEP Project web page
  • LeonVM (concluded)
  • Lead a 4-person study project for the European Space Agency (ESA). The project goal is to determine if current virtualisation technology has the fault-isolation and the performance-isolation needed for mission critical applications and propose future ground control software and hardware that takes advantage of virtualization.

Community Service
  • Reviewer for the European Comission - RESERVOIR project (2009-2011)
  • Co-leader of the EPTS Use Case Working Group (2008-)
  • Consultant for Evolve Space Solutions(2008-2009)
  • Session Chair of the Demo Workshop of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (2009)
  • Reviewer for the Portuguese Fulbright (2009)
  • PC member: VLDB Demo Workshop, Lyon, France, Aug 2009
  • PC member: edBPM 09 - 2nd Intl Workshop on Event-Driven Business Process Management, Sept 2009, Ulm, Germany
  • PC member: Spring Symposia, on Intelligent Event Processing (AAAI 2009), Stanford University
  • PC member: 2008 International Symposia on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2008)
  • PC member: 6th VLDB PhD Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Aug 2008
  • Reviewer for the VLDB Journal (2007)
  • Reviewer for the new journal Foundations and Trends(r) in Databases (2007)
  • Reviewer for DSN-2007 - International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (2007)
  • Reviewer for the IIIE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2006)
  • Reviewer for FLAD (the research grant awarding Luso-American Foundation) (2006)