Pedro Bizarro |
Publications Oracle Error Messages Glossary (ZIP) Manual Oracle SQL (PDF) Fabuloso Resumo Oracle SQL (PDF) Uteis para as aulas de BD (ZIP) Palavras AEIOU Departamento de Engenharia Informatica Polo II - Pinhal de Marrocos 3030 - 290 Coimbra PORTUGAL Fax: +351 (239) 701 266 bizarro@dei DOT uc DOT pt |
*Visiting Professor at CMU, working in the dual-degree (CMU & UC) Master of Software Engineering. *Professor Auxiliar at the Informatics Engineering Department (DEI) of the U. of Coimbra, Portugal. *Member of Database Group research group at CISUC. CISUC is the research side of the Informatics Engineering Department. *Main research interests are adaptive query processing in databases, complex-event processing, and virtualization. *PhD from the CS department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison (Aug 2006) working with Prof D. DeWitt [Thesis] *MSc from the CS department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison (May 2004); *MSc from the CS department at the New Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal (Sept 2001); *Licenciatura (5-year degree) from the Informatics Eng. Dept. at the U. of Coimbra, Portugal (Feb 1998); *Fulbright Scholar (2001-2006) (Portuguese site | US site) *Founder and CSO at FeedZai *See my talk at TEDx'Lisbon 2010 to see what moves me. |
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