As empresas como
Learning Organizations

(com base no livro
"The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook"
Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts , Richard B. Ross, Brian J. Smith
Currency Business, 1994
- por Pedro M. Coelho
Learning Organizations
e o Ensino

- por Ana Luísa


Outros Links
Learning-org Mailing List
What is the "Learning-org mailing list"?
It is a flow of messages over the internet.
We focus on practitioners, i.e. those working to build learning organizations, but our group is very diverse. Most of our messages are thoughtful and inquiring. Our aim is that the discussion on this mailing list be conducted in the spirit of learning and exploration.
In other words, we are conducting a dialogue about building learning organizations, and you are welcome to join us.
The Learning-org list was launched in June 1994 and now has a large base of participants. This a world-wide facility, with strong international representation.
English is the primary language for Learning-org.

The Society for Organizational Learning (M.I.T.)
What is the Society for Organizational Learning?
The Society for Organizational Learning is a global learning community dedicated to building knowledge about fundamental institutional change through integrating:
Research (disciplined pursuit of discovery and understanding)
Capacity Building (developing new individual and collective capabilities)
Practice (the application of concepts and tools in pursuit of specific ends)
Our purpose is to discover, integrate, and implement theories and practices for the interdependent development of people and their institutions.

Resumo de um discurso de Arie de Geus que cobre os seguintes tópicos:
- 4 secrets to long term corporate survival
- 3 conditions for accelerated learning in organizations

Ensino de Gestão na Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática do DEI
Mensagem de Artur Ferreira da Silva,
enviada para a Learning-org mailing list

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